The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Delivery of Your Newly Purchased RV.

The moment has arrived. You have been scouring the RV lots and looking at everything from smaller toy haulers to Newmar motorhomes for sale and you finally took the step to purchase an RV. The delivery day has come. You have been patiently (or not-so-patiently) waiting to look your RV over from top to bottom, breath in the new smell, and take it on your first trip. This excitement can cause people to rush through the process of looking it over so they can hit the road. Here are the do’s and don’ts of picking up your new RV.

Things you should do

Get all your information – When you own an RV you are going to want to make sure that you receive all documentation. This includes things like the owner’s manuals. You also want to make sure that you have written down the serial number and model number of your RV. Then, keep it in a place that is easy to access. Make sure you understand what you need documented for your warranties.

Test it out – Before you leave the lot make sure you understand how everything works. Test out every piece that you can and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more questions you ask the better understanding you will have on how each feature of your RV works.

Test drive it – You want to make sure that you are comfortable driving (or towing) your RV. Are you comfortable handling it? Chances are good when you give it a test drive you will come up with additional questions to ask the sales associate. Our sales teams are experts in the RV world. If they don’t know the answer they will make sure to get it for you before you leave the lot.

Things you shouldn’t do

Don’t choose the wrong day for pick up – It’s better to pick up at the beginning of the week compared to the end of the week. If you pick up your RV the day before the dealership is closed you could end up with a longer waiting period if you run into problems. If you pick it up at the beginning of the work week and discover a problem once you get home you can get it back to the dealership to be taken care of right away.

Don’t head out across the country – It might be tempting to pack up and head out for a long trip as soon as you get your new RV. Afterall, it’s an exciting time. However, it’s much wiser to make your first trip out closer to home. That way if you run into any problems you can deal with it in a familiar area. You can use it as a trial trip before you head out for real.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions – Do not be intimidated when picking up your RV and don’t leave the lot until you are comfortable doing so. This means you don’t want to pick up at the end of the workday when the dealership is getting ready to close. You probably asked a lot of questions before buying an RV, now it’s time to ask every question that you can think of about how it works. Your sales associate would rather know you are leaving comfortable and excited than with doubt and worry.

DO enjoy your RV

Once you own an RV make sure you put it to good use. It doesn’t matter if you travel close to home or far away, get out and have an adventure!

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