There’s a lot of people who buy small RVs so they can squeeze into intimate and secluded campsites. Even if you end up with a big RV it can be overwhelming to go from a “regular” home to an RV. Essentially all RVs can be considered small space living. Even if you’re a weekend camper here’s a few tips to maximize the fun and minimize the stress of living in a small space.
Lots of Bins
Bins have never looked as attractive as when they’re in an RV. The fastest way to avoid clutter is to use bins. You can label them for ease of finding things but ultimately being able to consolidate small and awkward things makes the RV feel a lot less stressful.
Mini-Sized Everything
When you’re living in a small space, counter space becomes a precious commodity. “Normal” size appliances should be traded in for their smaller counterparts. The more compact the better, even if that means you will be a little inconvenienced with serving sizes.
Become the “Anti-Hoarder”
Humans have a way of collecting things, LOTS of things. To many, one of the joys of RVing is living a minimalist lifestyle. Even if you don’t take it that extreme you’ll want to consolidate and condense your “stuff” down to the basics. Do you really need a 25 piece dishware set for you and your significant other?
Increasing Closet Space
RV Closets are typically not going to be near as spacious as closets in your “traditional” home. You can’t expect a walk in closet in an RV. The good news is that there are ways around this. Take this specialized hanger for example. You’re able to get 6x more closet space by stacking them in this way!
Utilize All Space
There shouldn’t be open areas on the walls, storage areas, etc that isn’t being utilized for maximum benefit. If you take your time and look closely you’ll be able to find ways to creatively open up options you didn’t know existed. It could be back behind the couch, under your bed, etc.
Organize Storage Areas
It’s so tempting to throw your stuff into the storage areas and shut the door. When you take the time to plan out storage areas they save space and are easy to access. Labeling your bins, boxes, and other storage containers is a great way to reference things when you need them.
Decorate the Walls
Have a plan for every inch of the interior walls. This is prime real estate for function and fashion. Making sure that you save space by utilizing storage by hanging things but also giving the feeling and inspiration of home by the use of pictures.
Try to Collapse
The RV industry is full of collapsible products that save an incredible amount of space. From cookware to baby baths, look into products that are designed with the RVer in mind.
Do you have any tips for living in a small space? Share your tips in the comment section.