2020 has provided us with some difficult situations, however, it’s also helped us continue making progress in some important areas like addressing stereotypes. Historically, stereotypes of camping and RVing have often failed to include people of color (POC) from their marketing.
While statistics from the National Park Services show there is a disparity between the percentage of population and percent of visitors from minority groups, there are many groups working to help address the situation. From Facebook groups to nonprofit organizations, POC interested in RVing and camping have a place to connect with others that share the interest.
Here are a few of the available resources:
Outdoor Afro

Outdoor Afro is a US nonprofit that is working to connect people of color in nature. This group is in no way about exclusion and people of all colors are welcome. However, the focus of the group is to help POC grow comfortable with situations that they may not have been exposed to or felt comfortable trying previously. This includes things like hiking, birding, fishing, gardening, and other outdoor activities. You can find local meet ups in your area or the area that you’ll be RVing.
Brown People Camping

Brown People Camping was started by Ambreen Tariq. Her goal is to use storytelling through social media to help increase the diversity of people enjoying the outdoors and taking advantage of exploring our public land and parks. The site shares, “Ambreen has collaborated with various partners in government agencies, non-profit sector, and private industry to promote diversity in the outdoors.” You can follow along with her stories on Instagram @BrownPeopleCamping.
The National African American RVers Association
The National African American RVers Association (NAARVA) is full of helpful information and RVing tips. The NAARVA is split into four regions and they host multiple camp rallies throughout the year that provide you with a fun, family-friendly experience. If you’re looking to build connection and friendship with other RVers, this is a great place to connect. They also focus on
Soul Trak Outdoors
The vision of Soul Trak is simple “To act as a bridge to wild spaces by uplifting outdoor leaders of diverse backgrounds and create an outdoors that more accurately reflects the diversity of our nation.” They hold events and outings throughout the year including things like hiking, climbing, paddling, biking, and more. They are working to build proper representation of people in nature and taking advantage of the land and resources available. They also teach ways to take care of and protect our environment. Check out the Soul Trak Outdoors’ events page to find ways to connect.
Brown Folks Fishing

If you are passionate about fishing, or want to give it a try, Brown Folks Fishing is a great organization to check out. While it started simply as an Instagram account, it has grown into a community organization that is working hard for BIPOC anglers. They are a nonprofit organization that is financially backed by Oregon Wildlife Foundation.
Outdoor Asian

The purpose of Outdoor Asian is “to create a diverse and inclusive community of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the outdoors.”
There are several different communities that you can connect with either in your area or while you are out RVing. They put together outings and events to help connect people and make it easier for individuals and families to begin connecting more in nature.
Native Women’s Wilderness
Native Women’s Wilderness is working to improve representation of women of color in outdoor media, promote education and understanding of our environment, and inspire women to get out in nature. They have active social media accounts where you can follow along with their stories and learn more about how to connect (@nativewomenswilderness).
Latino Outdoors
Latino Outdoors is working to address the fact that while the Latino population is rapidly growing across the United States, they are vastly underrepresented in outdoor recreation and conservation efforts. Their mission statement is to “inspire, connect, and engage Latino communities in the outdoors and embrace cultura y familia as part of the outdoor narrative, ensuring our history, heritage, and leadership are valued and represented.”
They focus on making the outdoor space one that is safe and accessible for all people. You can check out their outings and events here.
Other groups and communities
Outside of groups and communities that are geared specifically towards people of color, there are plenty of other groups available. Here are a few to check out:
Sky River RV is here to help
If you’re interested in getting started with your RVing adventures, our trained and knowledgeable staff can help. You can come by in person or schedule a virtual appointment to find the perfect RV for you and your family.
If you have an RV and are looking to upgrade, this is a great time to take advantage of our Cash for Campers offer.