An amazingly beautiful river outside of Zion National Park will be protected forever – Good News From Sky River RV

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With the whole world seeming to go crazy Sky River RV is making an effort to highlight some positive headlines in the news recently. 

This week, we bring you the news that an amazingly beautiful river in Zion National Park will be protected forever: 

The Nature Conservancy, one of the oldest nonprofit organizations dedicated to the preservation of lands, animals, and rivers, has just purchased a large tract adjacent to the majestic Zion National Park for $4.3 million to preserve the ecosystem enshrined within the famous canyon.

The picturesque 419-acre Utah property called Sheep Bridge includes a 2-mile stretch of the Virgin River, which is relied upon as a water source for Washington County residents.

The river itself eroded one of Zion’s many canyons, and it was snapped up by the Virginia-based Nature Conservancy as part of a greater effort by advocacy groups to protect the area around Zion from development.



View the entire story on the Good News Network 

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