1. Ditching Suburbia
The website Ditching Suburbia was originally started by Michael and Crissa Boyink as they hit the road full-time with their two children. After 8 years on the road, they have decided to hand the reigns over to the next generation of full-time RVers. Matt and Tabitha Best will be taking over and hitting the road with their 7 little ones. While the website is transitioning as the Best family ggets ready to venture out there is still a ton of information you can learn that the Boyink’s shared over the years. In fact, there is an entire page on the blog dedicated to “Lessons Learned“.
On this page, you can find out things like:
- How to handle naysayers
- Tips for grocery shopping, cooking, and eating in the RV (hint: they removed their dinette and regretted it later)
- The importance of packing clothes that you can layer
- Ways to make money online while you travel
2. Live the Wander Life
Margie over at Live the Wander Life shared 4 things she wished she knew before getting started. One of those things is that while she knew that they were greatly downsizing as a family of 5 to go full-time in the RV, she wished she would have thought more about the space they needed. They moved from a 2,000 square foot house to an RV that only provided them with 34 feet. Even with getting rid of stuff, they still wished they had more room. She recommends purchasing an RV that has a little more room than you think you need.
3. Nathan Swartz
Nathan Swartz shared some of the things he wished he would have known before he started RVing full-time in an article on Wand’rly. One of the things that he mentioned was the importance of having a good setup for solar power. Nathan enjoys skipping the RV parks and boondocking in the area they want to be close to, and solar power helps them do this. You have to make an initial investment, but it cuts costs throughout the rest of your trips since you don’t have to spend the money to stay at more expensive RV parks. You can read his other suggestions here.
4. Wanderschool
Julie at Wanderschool has taken homeschooling on the road with her 4 children. And, while she loves traveling there are some things she wished she had known from the start. One of those things is that the issues you have at home are still going to be your issues on the road. For example, she shares if your child struggles with missing a nap or you don’t do well after a bad night’s sleep it’s not going to be different in your RV. Make sure that you plan accordingly. Read on here for 6 more things she wished she had known.
5. Alyssa Padgett
Alyssa Padgett shared on Do It Yourself RV the lessons that she and her husband learned about full-time RVing for several months. One of those lessons is that you don’t need a lot of the items you think you need. They adopted a rule that they follow. If it’s been a month and they haven’t used an item they get rid of it. When you are living in an RV you don’t have room to keep things that you aren’t going to use.
You don’t have to learn the lessons the hard way. Take the advice of experienced full-time RVers. And, if you want some recommendations about which RV is right for you talk to our knowledgeable staff at Sky River RV.