10-year-old fisherman in Utah reels in massive catch – Good News From Sky River RV

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With the whole world seeming to go crazy Sky River RV is making an effort to highlight some positive headlines in the news recently. 

This week, we bring you the story of a young fisherman in Utah who hauled in the catch of a lifetime: 

A young angler recently caught a fish most grown-ups would be excited to reel in. While it wasn’t quite a state record, it was still an impressive catch considering the fisherman’s age.

Tyler Grimshaw, a 10-year-old from Utah, pulled in a 41-pound lake trout from Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, Fox 8 reports. The area is reportedly a popular place among anglers as a high number of trout are caught there weighing more than 30 pounds.

According to the news outlet, the Utah state record for largest trout caught is 51 pounds, 8 ounces.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources shared photos of Grimshaw with his catch, writing, “Ten-year-old Tyler Grimshaw recently caught this 41-pound lake trout at Flaming Gorge — caught and released by himself.”

The photos show the young man sitting in a boat with his catch, which looks like it’s almost as big as he is.

View the entire story on FOX News. 

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